Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Homeschoolers Coming Together

Last week I posted about the current legal situation in California that could very well make homeschooling illegal here. If you missed that post, I encourage you to read it and if you feel led and haven't done so yet, please sign the petition.

So, far the situation is still up in the air and we await the results of several legal avenues being taken to keep homeschooling legal here. Please keep praying and consider some options for making known how you stand, listed here.

Crystal and her husband Jesse have taken up the banner in encouraging homeschoolers all across our country to stand for parent's rights and what they believe is their right and duty as Christians. Please join in doing what you can. I believe prayer is the strongest weapon we have...what can man do? May God work in this situation and cause the foolishness of the judges to be seen and cause the men and women working to keep our freedoms to have wisdom and right words! If you can do more and are willing, please do! Thank you to all those joining in this fight.



Anonymous said...

We're also in California. We figure if the CA homeschoolers are willing to stand up for their rights, there isn't much that the government is going to be able to do.

And, of course, we're praying! :)

Mrs. H. said...

Hello Sommer,

This is Diane from the former Mother's Apron list. I thought of you when I heard about this court decision. I have signed the petition and will be praying that this decision is depublished.


Maria said...

Know that I am praying about this issue. Freedom is so fragile.