Saturday, October 27, 2007

Health Update

Dear Friends~For those of you that saw my post about my little Liam being quite sick the other day, I wanted to give you an update.

After another half a day or so of throwing up, the little darling started to mend. Yesterday, he wasn't eating as much as usual, but he has begun to get his appetite back and is obviously feeling much better.

As you can see by this picture which was taken just yesterday, he is his usual jolly self. The funny thing is that even when sick, he finds a way to be happy. He'd smile even after a bout of the throwing up. I pray he is like this for many more years to come.

Here he is playing with his sister, Brenna. I do believe they will be fast friends when they are older:

And here, he is enjoying the attentions of Fiona. Both girls just adore him...might he be spoiled?

Thank you to those of you that sent up prayers for Liam. I am thankful that his illness lasted a very short time and that he did not suffer any ill effects from it.



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