Monday, August 18, 2008

My Daybook

Peggy, over at The Simple Woman is sharing her Daybook and has invited folks to join in. So, I decided I couldn’t pass up the fun :-) Won’t you join us? Just pop on over to Peggy’s blog for the details!

For August 18th

Outside My Window…
An overcast sky and cool temps…lovely!

I am thinking…
Of ways to simplify my home.

I am thankful for…
little blessings.

From the kitchen…
Meatloaf, green beans and some yummy dessert.

I am creating…
T-shirt dresses for my girls and many other things that are in my overflowing sewing basket.

I am going…
To the library this week.

I am wearing…
Blue jeans, a pale yellow shirt and sandals.

I am reading…
The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace

I am hoping…
That I can get more sewing done than I have as of late.

I am hearing…
Surprising quiet.

Around the house…
A bit of organizing and planning..

One of my favorite things…
Are sweet hugs and kisses from my babies.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Household chores, a library run, groceries, and decluttering.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing…
The "Papa" riding with his "baby" sweet!

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