Saturday, June 16, 2007

Simple pleasures

Sometimes when I am surrounded by stress or busyness, it is the simple things that give me the most pleasure. I've been worrying this week and it has been very hot. These two things together have made me a rather cranky momma and wife.
But today...I had some nice moments that just brought it all back into perspective. This morning started out cool and breezy..and continued on through the day that way. On top of that, I was able to attend a lovely brunch with the ladies from my homeschool group. What a treat. We sat around chatting and sharing our joy together, eating such tasty morsels. Before I left, my good friend prayed with me over the worries I've been having and it felt so nice to talk to her.
When I came home there was a bit of chaos, but I was able to still focus on some of the more enjoyable points of the day. I was frustrated(if you are curious about this, check out my hubby's blog, he talks about it there)but I hope that I handled it well.
One of the other great, yet simple dear baby boy's smile and laughter. He is about 4 1/2months old and I get so much enjoyment from watching his face. Truly, that alone can brighten my day amidst some very trying times.

I am so thankful that the Lord has given me these little snippets today to refresh me. I feel that my new week can start anew, with a fresh perspective.



Anonymous said...

Praying for you here also Sommer. It is so easy to get over there with the "worries" but set your thoughts and eyes on God, and you will feel peace again.

Much love and blessings,

Sommer said...

Thank you Pat! Your prayers mean alot to me.

Lots of love,