Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Start Afresh....

It is a new year, a time of beginnings and a time to renew our thoughts. Many of us do this each year, setting new goals(or maybe the same as last year's with renewed vigour) and new plans. I gave up making "resolutions" long ago, mainly because I never really took them seriously or kept them if I did.
Perhaps though, we ought to take this time, when we can begin a new year, and reflect on the past year...the blessings, the sorrows, the turmoils, doubts and fears...and consider them. How did we handle what God placed before us? Did we take the blessings and rejoice mightily, praising His name to the highest? Or did we just take them and run? Did we face the trials and sorrows with courage and perseverance, knowing that the Lord would see us through and preserve us? Or did we run and hide and cast anger at our Lord? Have we allowed our doubts and fears to overwhelm us or did we cast them at His feet and pray for strength and then let Him give it to us? Did we let the stress and everyday things get to us, taking them out on our husbands and children? Did we give our family all that we could of ourselves to the glory of God? Is there anything at all we could change?
These are all things we should reflect on. Not to dwell on to self-loathing, but to see what we need to change and what we need to ask God for help in. I know that with many of these questions, I have not done as well as I would have liked. I realize that there were times the doubt overwhelmed me, that the praise came too slowly off my lips, that the snappishness came too swiftly. There is much I wish to change.
This is when I must realize though, that it isn't myself that can change these things in me...but the Lord alone. I must come to Him and kneel before Him, giving Him all due glory and praise. I must ask Him to create in me a new and right spirit! I must let Him do the work, for I can not change alone.
"Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit."
Psalm 51:10-12
So today, I am purposing to think on these things and fall at my Saviour's knees and ask for His forgiveness and ask for His guidance in my life. I want to change the things that I have failed in and know that need to be different...especially in respect to my family! I want to ask for change in those areas that I am unaware of as well. I pray that the Lord will give me the strength to handle what will come before me, both in blessings and in difficulties.
Today, I exhort you all to think on this past year and see where things need change. Bring it to your Lord and ask for the help you need. I encourage you to also talk to your husband, or parents if you are yet at home, and find out from them what you might need to work on this year. And then bring it to the Lord...He will hear you and work in you. May this next year be a time of blessings and growth for each of us!
I hope to post later this week or next about some of the areas I will be working on myself. I hope that it will encourage not only myself but others as I lay bare what is on my heart.

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