Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Just a Sweet Poem

For Christmas my Mom got each of the kids beautiful pictures accompanied by a poem or verse. Each has a picture of a child that resembles the child it was given to.
Fiona's is of a girl with very curly blond hair(reminiscent of when she was younger) holding little animals in her arms.
Liam's is of a sweet kneed, chubby little boy holding up a sweet little pup with A Boy's Prayer.
But Brenna's means the most to me. Brenna is a quiet little girl, a touch sullen at times, but full of love and compassion and sweetness when the moment moves her. I desire that part of her to come out more and for her to become a beautiful light to the world around her. Well, my Mom and I have discussed this before and so, when she picked this picture it just was perfect! It is of a little brown haired girl sitting at the piano, singing at the top of her voice...much like my little singing sparrow:-) And here is the lovely poem(speaking what I wish for her)that came on it....
God Make My Life a Little Light
by M. Bentham-Edwardsthat
God make my life a little light,
Within the world to glow;
A tiny flame that burneth bright
Wherever I may go.
God make my life a little flower,
That giveth joy to all,
Content to bloom in native bower,
Although its place be small.
God make my life a little staff,
Whereon the weak may rest,
That so what health and strength I have
May serve my neighbors best.
I love this and I pray that this will be my little girl someday! I know she already is very much like this, but she needs to let her light shine more often. Thanks Mom for sharing this with me:-)


Anonymous said...


What beautiful gifts! The poem is lovely.

robert said...

Thanks for posting Matilda Edwards' children's hymn, "God Make My Life a Little Light." It makes a great prayer for the new year.

Today is the 91st anniversary of Mrs. Edwards' death. If you enjoy learning about our hymns and their authors, I invite you to check out my daily blog on the subject, Wordwise Hymns.