Monday, August 6, 2007

Weekend Happenings

This weekend has been a pretty easy going one. We didn't do our usual trip to have lunch with my MIL. I always enjoy visiting her, but she needed to cancel as she is preparing for an exchange student that is coming soon.

We didn't really have any plans on Saturday either, except spending some time at the park.

This is something we try to do every Saturday with the kids. They love it and we enjoy watching them have such a great time. Some Saturdays we plan more extensive family a month or two ago we went to Monteray Bay Aquarium or Happy Hollow Park and Zoo. But, most Saturdays it is just to our local park.

This Saturday was no different! We brought the kids over and they swiftly found things to do and Liam happily watched people running around. We met with an old Academy buddy of Dan's and that was a nice time. I eventually took Liam to a was so fun watching him. He didn't really show much excitement, he just kind of sat there...staring off. I think it had the same effect as his swing at home does....puts him to sleep:-) But, he didn't cry!

These are pics from a previous Saturday, but I thought I'd share them any way. Here is Fiona climbing the wall. She is generally more of a runner, but she decided to try her hand at this on this day.

Here is Brenna on the spinning thing...I know it has a name, but I don't know what it is :-p She was having so much fun and being really daring(for her).
And here is Liam...simply enjoying the view from his stroller. I got a picture of him sleeping in the swing from another day at the park...I'll post it another day:-)

Sunday was quiet and full of worship and rest. We attended church in the morning and let the kids play for awhile at the church playground afterwards. Then, since we weren't going to be able to make it to my MIL's house, we came home for lunch and just took it easy. Brenna played chess with Dan. A little later in the afternoon, Liam and I went off for a feeding and both of us took a nap.

Then, off we went to evening service and home again for dinner. At some point either Saturday or Sunday(I can't remember now), I went through my homeschool stuff and began planning a little more seriously for our upcoming year. We will begin in about two I need to get organized. I'm looking forward to starting up again...but now I will be teaching Fiona and Brenna(only a little bit for her) with a sweet babe to help. It will be an interesting first few weeks I'm sure.

Well, it is late and I need to get some sleep before Liam wakes to nurse. I've been pretty tired lately and I have been having trouble getting up early enough to spend my time with the Lord. So, enough of this blog bed I go!




Anonymous said...

It sounds like ya'll had a great week-end. It has been just too hot for me to take my girls to the park. I can't wait for the cooler weather so we can go to the zoo.

The pictures are lovely of the children, thank you for sharing them.

Love ya,

Regina said...

Sounds like a wonderful weekend, full of rest and God's goodness! Thanks for sharing! Your children are sweeties!