Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Homeschool Days and Heart Issues

I’ve been so very busy lately! I’m not sure with what(LOL), because things are still cluttered and crazy at home…but it does feel as if all of my days are full. We are winding down our school year and should be officially finished next week:-) I could really use the break. The time it takes in the morning will be put to use in other ways…decluttering, household duties, and crafts and VBS in two weeks! We probably will continue with some light school..but nothing academic heavy. Perhaps a Home Economics course I have, continuing phonics for Miss Brenna and review of math facts for Miss Fiona, and working with manners and heart issues. We also need to update Fiona’s Zoology notebook. This was an awesome course, and we are doing the notebooking part now to review old lessons. Another year has gone by swiftly and has gone generally well. In a few weeks I will hopefully have my entire curriculum for next year and will plan out my tentative schedule for this coming school year. Miss Fiona will be going into 3rd grade and Miss Brenna will be officially a Kindergartener (if you go with traditional grades). I’m excited for the continuing of our little homeschool, but like I said, I am ready for a little break:-)

Life as a stay at home, homeschooling momma is a blessing and a pleasure, but it also has its difficult days. I’ve been having some of those lately. This is part of the reason I have not posted much lately. I’ve been feeling overwhelmed, low in spirit and I’ve been doing a lot of heart searching on my responses to stress and difficult issues with the kids. We’ve been dealing with many heart issues and it has tried me in ways that really have shown my own failings. One thing we deal with is tempers and attitudes with each other. Of course, as a momma, I tell my children not to yell at each other and to speak kindly. But I’ve found that I’ve been yelling more than I should and sometimes my responses are less than kind. How sad I feel about this and I have been asking God to help me in this area. It has been a huge struggle and one I know needs change. A group I’m on also spoke recently about “taming the tongue” and speaking with kindness. Talk about being convicted! So, the girls and I have been working together to change how we are together. I find that if I am consciously trying to speak and respond kindly (even in times of stress/discipline), I do better at it. So my desire is to not set this aside but strive to continue to think before I respond. It seems to be so far going well, but I know I have a long way to go before my habits have changed.

I’m afraid I’ve had no time to sew or knit…sigh…I have so much I want to do, but the time never seems to be there. We are selling my hubby’s car though and going to one car, so I hope that the enforced time at home will make it so naps can be more consistent (and not so late), and that I will have much more time for these things (after essentials are done) and that I can also take the time to teach my daughters more of these enjoyable skills.

Well, this is just a quick update on me:-) I do hope to be back to regular posting. Have a blessed day!



Mackenzie said...

It's good to hear from you again Sommer! I will be praying for you and your girls as you work on this...I know from growing up with four sisters that girls often seem to slip into using harsh words and voices...perhaps it's hormone related? I know first hand how hard it can be, and try to constantly remind myself to "speak with love"...esp. right now with Jenny who is not adjusting to Anthony quite as easily as I had hoped! Or maybe it's just being 2? Anyway, know that you and your young ladies are not alone in this struggle and that I'm praying for all three of you! :)
Hugs and love,

Simply Heart And Home said...

Dear Sommer,

I have been where you are. I pray that the summer will be a time of refreshment of mind, body, and spirit. I will pray for you, dear sister. I too am working on taming tongue and my heart. That old sinful nature creeps in on me when I take my eyes off the Lord. It is easy to become overwhelmed but when I make time for the Lord, my heart is softened.

Blessings to you and your family,


Lauren Christine said...

Sweet Sommer,
I was so glad to read your update :) I pray the Lord will bless you with the righteousness you are desiring! We all have our down days and our struggles, but the Lord is So Faithful through it all.

Lauren Christine