Tuesday, November 6, 2007

An Hundredth Post...

It is hard to fathom that this is my hundredth post! Surely, it can't be?! I so enjoy having a blog. I enjoy the friendships I have made through it, the knowledge I have picked up from others' blogs. I surely hope that I can continue bringing bits of interest and "normal" life to each of you as I continue to use my blog as an outlet for creativity and thoughtfulness, encouragement and support!

I have been rather overwhelmed the last few days, trying to overcome a sinus infection and gain some energy back. Last week I had a horrible sore throat and it seems to have traveled to my sinuses. But, thankfully today..I do believe I'm on the mend. My energy has picked up and I feel a little more myself once again:-)

Of course, all this being said, you may have noticed that I have not posted an updated picture of my desk. Well, since being sick and other events that have happened over the weekend and this week, it has been put aside for a brief time. But, I do hope to get it accomplished by this Saturday. I really do need to find the desk...it is so very covered right now and is completely useless! I know there are things that I need to get to on there...if only I could find them;-p

I pray you all are having a splendid week! See you tomorrow:-)



Lauren Christine said...

Happy 100!!! :)

Family W said...

I just happened by via another blog. I love your pictures and the old fashioned feel. I will definitely be back! :)